Toshiba announced two item laptop. It is the latest dynabook Satelite AXW/90MW and Dynabook RX3W. The Dynabook Satelite AXW/90MW equipped with 15.6″ 120Hz LCD with 3D and include a remote controller, Using the fastest Intel processor Core i7-740QM CPU and 4GB RAM, rich of storage with 640GB HDD, Blueray disk burner and a GeForce GTS 350M.
While the dynabook RX3W is not offering a 3D experience on it display device and it's only 13.3 inch screen and choose Intel Core i5-520M, 128GB SSD Storage device, 8GB of RAM.
dynabook Satelite AXW/90MW price is 259,800 Yen and dynabook RX3W price is just 249,800 Yen.
Source: Dynabook