April 13, 2015

What Is NFC (Near Field Near field Communication)

What Is NFC (Near Field Near field Communication)
News and Reviews Gadget Technology: Recently, mobile devices equipped with a new technology that allows the exchange of data has a range of 10 cm or less. Yes, that's the NFC, a technology engineering in the field of connections using RFIS system (Radio Frequency Identification). NFC (Near Field Near field Communication) simplifies data communication between devices that usually have to connect using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection requires authentication and equations can be used before and usually takes quite a long time, unlike the NFC authentication between devices is done only a few seconds.

NFC (Near Field Near field Communication) technology works using a system of short-range radio signal transmission. There are two types of NFC devices, one device and one passive tags NFC tags on a mobile device. When making contact, the devices will be connected to each other and to exchange data with the ISM radio frequency 13.56MHz with a maximum transfer rate of 424 Kbps. NFC technology is very advantageous because the device with NFC does not require a large electric energy. Broadly speaking, NFC is the development of Bluetooth and NFC RFID where  there is technology that we use when communicating using Bluetooth in process of switching and RFID as wave liaison between NFC devices. Smartphone NFC communication have utility in moving websites, phone numbers, audio, video, photos and contact telephone. Even on an embedded NFC Smartphone some of which already supports to make payments through NFC features on the smartphone. If you already know NFC and how NFC works, let's find into what NFC applications are possible today and in the future.

Here are some of the usability of NFC in real life, which is summarized in the life of the reader as an employee, so that the reader better understand again what the NFC with all the possibilities that startle, where life would be much easier than usual.

1. When I woke up, you see the milk in the fridge was about to run. Just bring your phone to regular milk containers that you buy, milk will automatically go into your shopping list after work, complete with prices and outlets where it can be bought milk. Rapid exchange of information to help you shop and do a price comparison before buying the product.
2. You are a loyal customer train to go to work. The queue at the ticket booth is full? Do not worry, because you have NFC in mobile phones, allowing you to directly walk to get to the gate. Hold the phone to a passive NFC tag at the gate, and you have entered into the platform without having to queue for tickets again. NFC for public transport with a prepaid system would make life easier. This application has been implemented in Japan and in the United Kingdom.
3. While waiting for the train, you can go to get to the kiosk in front of the platform, buy today's newspaper to read while traveling. No need to bother to spend money, just bring your phone to once again passive NFC tag, then the payment can be made, debit or credit. NFC turned out to be used as a means of mobile payments replace the cards that make your wallet packed.
4. NFC can also be used as a security key. Arriving at the office, you can open the door by using NFC as incoming identity. No longer need a physical key or a magnetic ID card, NFC has been doing it all for you.
5. Home from work, you pass through a bookstore and see the latest book written by your favorite author has been published. Posters with a passive NFC tag displayed in front of the bookstore. Bring your cell phone, and preview and synopsis can be read on the phone before you decide to buy or not. NFC provides comfort and ease in the promotion of new products, making your house is not filled with brochures paper also not environmentally friendly.

NFC (Near Field Near field Communication) is not only in smartphones but NFC chip, can be ATM cards, credit cards, identity cards, Electronic Card. In fact, there is also an NFC chip embedded in key chains, necklaces and even bracelets. In Asia, the NFC was first popular in Japan and South Korea until now begun to spread in various parts of the world. In both countries the NFC be used as a medium of payment such as transport tickets, financial transactions, and payment in shops providing NFC device as the media payment. In my country, Indonesia, has adopted NFC in industries and institutions for financial purposes, identity and access control room on each individual.

NFC (Near Field Near field Communication) security level is very high credible and safe to use. With a very decent security specifications and safety certification every download data via TSM (Trusted Service Manager), the use of NFC will be to protect consumers, especially for those who really lay with what the NFC.