Acer now move to making other product besides PCs and laptops and it is smartphone. The first smartphone produced by Acer is Liquid E and it has "landing" in my country, Indonesia.
According detiknet that has introduced with this smartphone, physicaly it looks "fat" with all the layers made from glossy black that shrouded its body.
Specificaly Liquid E equipped with Android OS 2.1 and entrust the Qualcomm snapdragon 768 MHz for its processor and added 512 MB of RAM. Decision to take the Snapdragon with 768 MHz feel bear coz there are many other smarthpone vendor using the higher capacity processor. Features of Acer Liquid E Smartphone Camera 5MP (2560x1920 piksel), voce activation, GPS navigation, Live Wallpaper. Integrated with Social network such twitter, facebook, youtube, flicker and three exclusive apps, Spinlets, Acer Connected Contacts and Urfrozz.
This Liquid E smarthphone from Acer estimated price at Rp 5 Milions. Carier with Indosat
According detiknet that has introduced with this smartphone, physicaly it looks "fat" with all the layers made from glossy black that shrouded its body.
Specificaly Liquid E equipped with Android OS 2.1 and entrust the Qualcomm snapdragon 768 MHz for its processor and added 512 MB of RAM. Decision to take the Snapdragon with 768 MHz feel bear coz there are many other smarthpone vendor using the higher capacity processor. Features of Acer Liquid E Smartphone Camera 5MP (2560x1920 piksel), voce activation, GPS navigation, Live Wallpaper. Integrated with Social network such twitter, facebook, youtube, flicker and three exclusive apps, Spinlets, Acer Connected Contacts and Urfrozz.
This Liquid E smarthphone from Acer estimated price at Rp 5 Milions. Carier with Indosat