June 06, 2012

New Panasonic Let's Note SX Series and NX Notebook Series

News and Reviews Gadget Technology: The New Panasonic's Laptop and Notebook line up already added. They are Panasonic Let's Note SX Series with SX1 and SX2. Both are 12.1 inch, the Let's Note SX1 Series using the Solid State Drive while the SX2 without.

Deep inside the Let's Note SX1 Series there is latest Ivy Bridge Family, i7-3520 vPro CPU (SX2) and Core i5-2450M and also Core i5-3320M vPro CPU (SX1).

NX2 Notebook Series upcoming similar with SX2 Series but it has richer 256GB SSD.

Generally, this New Let's Note SX Series and NX Notebook Series are the same 4GB of RAM, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 3.0, Wifi and WiMax.
Source: sumdigg