April 25, 2015

Hello! Latest Android App Technology by Facebook

Hello! Latest Android App Technology by Facebook

News and Reviews Gadget Technology: Hello! Latest Android App Technology by Facebook

Facebook recently rumored to have introduced a new application by offering better calling experience. The new application in android smartphone is named Hello.

Application technology for android smartphone Hello employed from Facebook Creative Labs with the provisions should be connected to Facebook under the terms of its use.

If aplikasai Hello already installed on your android smartphone then each receive phone will display the caller information based on the details of the identity of facebook. owned by the caller.

If the caller is not listed in the phonebook then this android smartphone applications will still bring the identity of the caller by facebook account.

This is indeed a very simple application and can be fairly useful. Unfortunately, this android smartphone app technology can not enjoy widespread. United States, Brazil, and Nigeria was fortunate to try out this new application.
